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Please read and comment on our latest post!  As an American patriot, you can consider Hunt For Liberty as a resource for achieving solutions to our lost principles. We’re losing such principles as, the Laws of Nature’s God, Self-Evident Truths, Who Makes the Decisions, the meaning of our Founding Documents, who We the People are and our action toward restoration of our Founders dream for our children’s children.

Core Beliefs.

Hunt for Liberty has been commissioned to identify problems affecting our foundational structure and to answer how we might, by drawing on historical remedies, preserve our American heritage.

Who Decides?

America’s values, virtues and exceptionalism are being stolen from We the People every day. Our Judeo-Christian values are being replaced with a progressive dogma that is intentionally destroying our Constitutional federated republican roots. Americas Founders designed a system that is unique and never tried before or since. We are the only ones to have this exceptional American system. Do our governments, or any other third parties, make the significant decisions that control our lives or do We the People?

We do, but we’ve lost control of our liberty and must take it back.


  • We were designed as a republic with a small bit of democracy
  • The word republic is noted in the Constitution, but democracy is not
  • The statement, the separation of church and state, is unconstitutional & is not in the Constitution
  • The national government & the states have equal authority over their responsibilities; tug-of-war
  • The Constitutional power structure of the three branches has become inverted


We the people can limit the size of government, limit the terms of Congress and the Supreme Court, nullify a law, an executive order, or a Court ruling, limit spending & taxing & much more. Learn how.

Founding Documents & Maintenance

Hunt for Liberty is about identifying and restoring our proud heritage beginning with understanding and supporting the interlinked Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Once we understand their relationship we must recognize the structural defects, twists and fissures in this basic foundation and how they came to be. How we took our eye off the ball and allowed the politicians, bureaucrats, and special interests to overreach and create these foibles, this new and broken America.

We the People Respond

Americans are a determined, strong willed people with common sense, faith in God, and a Can-Do attitude. With our Founding documents, We the People established our States, the states then established our national government as a Constitutional federal republic. That means We the People and our States are the ONLY ones to redress the National government for restoring, repairing, and amending our structure by way of our inherited self-governing right. Only We the People have the right to Stand Up, Show Up and Speak Up to return this Nation to God and to the consent of the governed.

Content that Motivates

Hunt for Liberty essay content lies somewhere between Fear and the fellowship of Hope and Faith. Searching for solutions that bring Hope will lead us to salvation. Our mission is to recognize and then reveal the evil that infects our foundation and then provide resolutions. Political policies are only the symptoms of our duress whereas the Founding Documents, including letters, notes, the Federalist and anti-Federalist Papers, and scholarly analysis will lead us to understanding and then restoring the Founders goals.

Comment & Interaction

Since America was founded on a diverse spectrum of peoples and ideas, Hunt for Liberty encourages us, We the People, to get involved locally, in our states through the system of federalism. That means becoming a part of local (school districts), community (town, city, county), and state (legislature) law and regulation making bodies. We pay for it (taxes)…we own the entire country!

Let us know your thoughts. Sign up for a free subscription and delivery and publish your civil comments. Interact with others with insightful, polite, and calm discussions.

Phoenix Planning Convention information

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Constitutional Corruption

Montesquieu’s Quips on Corruption By Rodney Dodsworth - June 1, 2016 Not forty years after publication of Montesquieu’s great work, The Spirit of the Laws, our framing [...]

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Gov’t Approved ‘Grooming’

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SCOTUS: Pro Censorship

Official portrait of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts. Supreme Court Chief Roberts Just Defended The Censorship-Industrial Complex If John Roberts really wants [...]

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  • Hunt for Liberty will post brief essays that resonate
  • Articles that help us understand the problem
  • Direction toward solutions where you can participate
  • Articles that revisit our Founding Principles
  • Essays that identify Congress, Executive, & SCOTUS malfeasance
  • A focus on our Creator, morality, freedoms, and self-governance
  • The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, & Bill of Rights
  • Essays, respite, quotes, stories that inspire
  • Allow you to opine with your comments
  • For the preservation of our Nation, family, & God
  • In God we Trust
  • Hunt for Your Liberty here!

What is Article V?

A Plan B is called for when a new idea that can’t fail, goes wrong. The forethought to create the Plan B or a ‘just in case’ plan, is what good designers and planners do. After studying the ancients, the Greeks, Romans, lords and ladies of the Middle Ages, it is what the Founders, led by James Madison, did to reform America during the four hot and humid summer months in 1787 Philadelphia.

In the 690’s BC, democracy was invented and ideas about governance sprouted as populations swelled. Most were top-down, military, strong man governments. It took England’s King John I, a cruel leader, under a threat of force by his Nobles to sign the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215, at Runnymede in the English countryside. It was the beginning of the modern English constitution and the transition from top-down to bottom-up rule and eventually self-governance.

Leading up to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia, America was under the strain of bloody riots, an Army mutiny, racing inflation, multiple currencies, a feckless Confederation Congress, and thirteen overbearing, ineffectual state governments.

In less than a week after the start of the Convention, the Founders produced the first draft of the soon to be renamed Articles of Confederation. The drafts 16th and last article defined how the government could be modified, their Plan B. They proposed that the states continue using the tried-and-true convention process established in the early 1600’s to meet and resolve issues that legislatures could not.

Article XVI draft stated that either “…2/3 of states or 2/3 of both houses of Congress could propose amendments to the states…”

When the convention came to a close four months later, copies of the proposed reforms were sent to the states (a courtesy copy to Congress) for consideration and ratification. The people of thirteen states met in convention to vote yea or nay, up or down, for the Constitutional federal republic of the United States. After much state debate aided by the Federalist and anti-Federalist Papers, the approval was unanimous.

Today, this is still the only legal and safe way for the people and their states to amend as necessary to retain their American sovereign right of sole owners of the central power. America’s Plan B or ‘just in case we need it’ is in Article V as follows:

Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

Just for Grins

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Conventions That Made America Front Cover
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