Inside the Declaration
Insights to Declaration Mike Kapic – July 4, 2023 Here are two astute studies on understanding the first steps in our founding. Six Principles by David Barton (Lesson 7 of Rick Green’s Patriot Academy: Biblical Citizenship) There is [...]
Who is Dorothy Thompson?
Dorothy Thompson: Precursor to Lane, Paterson and Rand? Thompson’s blistering attacks on political and economic authoritarianism abroad mirrored what she often said about similar developments here in America. By Lawrence W. Reed - February 5, 2023 In an [...]
You & Your Speech
You Are What You Speak! By NCCS – January 31, 2023 Today’s politics seems more partisan than ever. We are very divided in what we believe to be the proper role of government and how government should, or [...]
December 31, 1912
By Daniel Greenfield - December 31, 2022 (Posting this article has become an annual tradition ever since the grim end of 2012. It's a reminder that the end of each year ushers in unknowns, but also opportunities for heroism. History [...]
What Killed Democracy?
Democracy is Dead, and Democracy Killed it Democracy is in danger? No. The democracy of capitalism is. By Axel Weber - December 15, 2022 Democracy is in danger! Or at least that’s what politicians and pundits would have [...]
Governance vs Character
A President Who Warned Americans What Extravagant Federal Spending Would Do to Character Grover Cleveland was a man who said what he meant and meant what he said, come Hell or high water. By Lawrence W. Reed - [...]