What are we planning to screw up in the future?

By David  Wilder – November 23, 2024

Chapter 3

With the understanding that our federal system has abandoned responsibility to secure the rights of the citizen and states, and is now pursuing securing their own self-interest, some scary proposals are being made.

The blatant disregard of the constitution and the history behind its creation is stunning.  One can only assume the intended outcome is to trash our amazing governing federalist design and replace it with a more ‘elite-controlled’ system.

  • Electoral College. Okay, there is an emotional appeal about “democracy”.  I get it.  Everyone wants their voice to be heard.  You have states like New Mexico floating the idea to assign its electoral college votes to whoever wins the national popular vote.  You certainly see many voices crying out to go straight to the popular vote.  Sounds ‘fair’, right?

Fortunately, the founders were better students of history and saw democracies quickly fail as a primary governing system.  Riding on the passions of the public often leads to ruin.  An old-fashioned lynching for example, shows democracy in action.  Deadly to the minority whose rights are ignored.  But it’s the popular sentiment – woo-hoo!

  • The 2nd Amendment. I find this a tiresome subject.  Without the right to bear arms we’d still be answering to the crown.  Our ‘news’ industry, and politicians, feed the narrative that guns kill.  The ignorant answer is to abolish them.  Left unsaid is… that would leave the government as the only legal gun carriers.  Does that suggest anything to you?

Of course, the police and FBI would carry arms.  So would ATF.  And ICE, the post office, park rangers, IRS, the CIA, NOAA, FDA, Department of Education, USDA and a host of other federal agencies.  Without the 2nd amendment the transition from the people being able to counter tyranny would transform to a central government controlling the people.  Yes, it can happen.  The trend can be seen developing now.

  • Expansion of the Supreme Court. If you think the Supreme Court has been above politics, the voices to expand the number of justices should be a wake-up call for you.  Envisioned as a principled keeper of constitutional guiderails, justices have proven to be as fallible as the rest of us.  Packing the court is just another way of exerting political power in contradiction to the constitutional balance and the governance of ‘we the people’.

The other glaring proof of the politicization of the court is the circus theatrics congress holds during the appointment hearing.  Gone are the days when judges are approved due to superior judgment, knowledge and impartiality.  Now the candidates must endure attack after attack to force a judgement out of them on some controversial social issue.  Placement on the supreme court is now based on aligning with a political ideology.

These are but a few of the widely editorialized topics that certainly do not promise a future of freedom and liberty for us.  The carefully constructed checks and balances in our federal republic have been decimated by an attack of a thousand cuts perpetrated by politicians and activist judges.  All have been preceded by the argument that it’s a ‘good idea’.  At the time, slavery was a good idea, as was therefore the Dred Scott ruling.  The threat of packing the supreme court led to the court allowing the ‘good idea’ of the ‘new deal’ legislation.  The Wickard v. Filburn case virtually turned the very restrictive intent of the constitutional commerce clause into a federal carte blanche to regulate virtually anything.

The past decades have seen our elected representatives allow this erosion of rights and freedoms.  The wise structure of governance has been replaced by a cabal of oligarchs and a professional bureaucracy…with the thinnest façade of legitimacy.

Will the supreme governing authority rise to correct this?