American Discontentment Linked to Lack of Biblical Worldview

By Sarah Wagner – May 3, 2024

Researcher George Barna said in a report that dissatisfaction with American society is linked to the lack of a biblical worldview.

Barna wrote in the “American Worldview Inventory 2024” that “social problems troubling the majority of Americans are likely a symptom of the unprecedented change in worldview preferences, in which longstanding biblical beliefs are being discarded in favor of a wide range of alternative views.”

Americans are increasingly holding to Syncretism, the adoption of numerous philosophies that an individual blends to their own content.

Ninety-two percent of American adults say Syncretism is their “dominant philosophy,” Barna explained. “Syncretism is the result of people relying upon their emotions to appropriate elements of various recognized worldviews toward creating an idiosyncratic, personally pleasing understanding of and response to reality,” he added.

This worldview is not “internally consistent,” but is instead “emotionally and intellectually comfortable.”

While 66% of Americans call themselves Christians, only 4% have a biblical worldview.

One-third of American adults also say they “depend mostly on their reason and emotions to distinguish right from wrong,” whereas Bible-believing Christians say “God is the source of all truth, and that He conveys truth to humans through the Bible.”

The idea that “as long as you do no harm, do whatever you want,” is held by an estimated 40 million American adults. This same belief is central to Wiccans and Satanists.

Gen Z adults are most likely to hold this belief (66%).

Other commonly held beliefs within American society are: “success is being a good person,” humans are to live in harmony with nature, and verifiable truth is the only means of truth.”

“American adults are increasingly embracing a host of unbiblical perspectives,” Barna wrote, “and this profound shift in beliefs is causing many of the disturbing social patterns and lifestyles responsible for the deterioration of our society and leading to the overwhelming level of national dissatisfaction.”

The report comes as data from Gallup revealed that church attendance has declined across most religious groups in the United States.

Between 2000-2003, 42% of U.S. all adults attended religious services. That number dropped to 38% between 2011-2013. Thirty percent of American adults attended religious services between 2021-2023.

Twenty-one percent of Americans attend weekly services, 9% attend “almost every week,” and 11% attend church or religious services once a month.

The majority of U.S. adults (56%) “seldom” or “never” attend church services.

American Faith