If You’re the Right Race, Your Doctor Will See You Now
By Daniel Greenfield – June 09, 2022
50 years after the end of the Tuskegee Experiments, the Biden administration brought back racism into medicine with a rule providing financial incentives to doctors embedding the horrifying racist ideas of Ibram X. Kendi into their practices.
The form of racism misleadingly described as “anti-racism” believes that all white people are evil and that any medical problems are the result of identity politics, not individual choices.
The racist Biden Medicare rule falsely claims that “systemic racism is the root cause for differences in health outcomes between socially defined racial groups” while demanding that “practice guidelines ” be “aligned with a commitment to anti-racism”.
Do No Harm, an organization formed to oppose the injection of critical race theory in medicine, filed a suit to oppose, what Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, calls a “discriminatory and illegal policy advocated by the likes of Ibram X. Kendi being imposed on our health care system.”’
This move is the latest effort by conservatives and traditional liberals to push back against the destructive incursion of critical race theory into medicine which harms patients, imposes political tests on medical professionals, and raises costs while lowering quality of care.
And kills patients.
The Biden Medicare critical race theory rule unleashes more costs and a further expansion of the massive health care bureaucracy by demanding that “a certified health IT product must be able to express both detailed races and ethnicities using any of the 900 plus concepts in the ‘Race & Ethnicity—CDC code system.’”
900 plus concepts.
Medical professionals and staff will have to take time away from patient care to delve into anti-racism plans and apart from coping with the already insane morass of insurance categories, will also contend with the “900 plus concepts in the ‘Race & Ethnicity—CDC code system.”
Beyond the Biden administration however, critical race theory is being embedded into medicine through the AMA and leading medical schools. Last year the AMA demanded that hospitals and medical practices indoctrinate and impose political tests on “systemic racism” and “implicit bias” on employees. The latter assumes that all white people are racist and in denial about it.
A new report from CriticalRace.org, a project of William A. Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection Foundation, found that of the 50 top medical schools as rated by US News and World Report, “39 institutions have some form of mandatory student training or coursework” and “28 institutions have some form of mandatory faculty/staff training” involving racialist indoctrination.
Harvard Medical School is developing “classes for master’s and PhD students to acknowledge the ways in which racism is embedded in science and scientific culture” while USC’s Keck School of Medicine has an Anti-Racism Task Force that “will monitor all lecture and group content to ‘ensure that any discussion of race is framed in contemporary anti-racist thought.’”
Johns Hopkins warns that“all faculty, students, trainees, postdocs and fellows will be required to complete a virtual training session in unconscious bias” and Emory University’s School of Medicine expects all faculty and students to “actively promote an antiracist environment of authentic engagement, advocacy, and leadership both within the School of Medicine”.
The consequences of embedding racist doctrines within medical schools goes even beyond the impact on faculty, future doctors, on competence and general quality of care.
By redefining health as a social ill created by racism, rather than genetics and individual decisions, critical race theory within medicine robs minorities of agency. Much as the social services state got people hooked on dependency and learned helplessness, critical race theory within medicine tells unhealthy people who happen to be minorities that they’re the victims.
And that there’s nothing that they can personally do to change their lives except vote Democrat.
The AMA is rolling out “new diversity, equity, and inclusion standards aimed at teaching doctors, among other things, about respectful treatment of people diagnosed as overweight or obese.”
Anti-racism falsely blames “systemic racism in medicine” for higher death rates among minorities.
As Dr. Goldfarb noted in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “At the heart of this is the claim that healthcare is systemically racist—that most physicians are biased and deliver worse care to minorities.”
The false accusations of racism are being used to terrorize medical professionals into adopting racist concepts and ideas.
“Physicians are being pushed to discriminate,” Dr. Goldfarb of Do No Harm charged. “To fight their supposed bias, physicians are being bribed into discriminating by race.”
“Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston (Harvard’s teaching hospital) is moving toward ‘preferential care based on race’ across the board,” he points out.
Many Americans were introduced to the concept of “preferential care based on race” when the CDC, NIH and some states focused on providing vaccines based on race, but it’s a reality far beyond the emergency scenarios where it’s increasingly becoming automatic.
Nearly every major medical organization is pursuing some sort of equity agenda.
For example, the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations has a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. Anecdotally, new doctors are being taught to triage patients by race.
An ER doctor described hearing about situations where woke medical professionals say that, “I’m not going to go treat that white guy, I’m going to treat the person of color instead because whatever happened to the white guy, he probably deserves it.”
Critical race theory has already killed people during the Black Lives Matter riots, but embedding critical race theory systemic racism into medicine has the potential to take far more lives.
Last year, the Boston Review published a proposal for an “antiracist agenda for medicine” in which doctors looking through the “field of critical race theory” called for reparations by, among other things, “preferentially admitting patients” based on identity politics.
That meant “a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to our specialty cardiology service” since they allege that health care systems “already unfairly preference people who are white”.
Killing white people becomes “reparations” for the big lie of “systemic racism”.
This is what woke medicine looks like. It’s what critical race theory and anti-racism’s brutal hateful logic applied to deciding who lives or dies becomes. Anti-racist doctors want you dead and they will use whatever algorithms and biased studies to justify the necessity for your death.
Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.