Tucker Carlson’s Confrontation With Evil
by Aaron Flanigan – March 28, 2024
Since conservative icon Tucker Carlson’s May 2023 launch of Tucker on X, in which he has interviewed a wide range of leading political, cultural, and intellectual figures, many of his conversations and lines of questioning have been marked by a common theme: who or what are the forces at large seeking to destroy Western Civilization—and why are they doing so?
In taking on the monumental task of exposing the shadowy figures and entities working to reshape our country, Tucker has launched headfirst into a challenge that many conservative media outlets and personalities eschew.
While most voices in the mainstream press stick to a surface-level analysis of current events, Carlson has taken things deeper, arguing that our current national and global predicaments are not mere political problems. Rather, in his view, they are signs of an ever-intensifying spiritual battle being waged in both the physical and metaphysical realm – one that conservatives must first recognize if they are going to win it.
Carlson’s January interview with British actor Russell Brand perhaps best encapsulated this view.
“It’s not obvious why the leadership of a country would hate the very people they need most and hate the most beautiful and valuable thing they have, which is nature,” Carlson said. “Why do they hate those things?”
He later continued: “How could you want to despoil nature? How could you hate human nature? How could you want to hurt people? Those are not rational responses to anything. Clearly, what we’re watching are the fruits of spiritual war. If you’re going to give a better explanation, let me know.”
This theme of spiritual crisis has also frequently surfaced in Carlson’s discussions of the debate over extraterrestrial life on earth, with Carlson wrestling with the idea of demonic influences in modern American society. “It’s my personal belief, based on a fair amount of evidence, that they’re not aliens,” Carlson said in a December interview. “They’ve always been here. And I do think it’s spiritual.”
He elaborated: “There are forces that aren’t human that do exist in a spiritual realm of some kind, that we cannot see, and that when you think about it, will sort of make you think we live in an ant farm.”
During an interview with Carlson in January, biologist Bret Weinstein, when asked by Carlson about the “war, pestilence, [and] apparently unsolvable political unrest” currently afflicting the West, outlined a dark and sinister array of forces undergirding our moment of crisis. “I suspect and I really don’t know, I don’t think anybody knows, but I suspect that some powerful set of forces has decided that consent of the governed is too dangerous to tolerate and that it has begun to unhook it,” Weinstein said. “And we do not know how this works. We can see some of the partners who are involved in this, but I don’t think we know ultimately who’s driving it or where they’re going.”
He continued: “The thing that worries me most, actually, [is] that whatever is driving this is not composed of diabolical geniuses who at least have some plan for the future, but it’s being driven by people who actually do not know what kind of hell they are inviting. They are going to create a kind of chaos from which humanity may well not emerge. And I get the sense that unless they have some remarkable plan that is not obvious, that they are just simply drunk with power and putting everyone, including themselves, in tremendous jeopardy by taking apart the structures on which we depend.”
Carlson somberly agreed. “You’re speaking in grand terms that three years ago I might have laughed at,” he said. “I’m not laughing at all. And I think you’re absolutely right.”
During a February discussion with Mike Benz, the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, Carlson also delved into the shadowy world of “elite establishments” that have “declared their own consensus to be the new definition of democracy.”
“And what they essentially said is, we need to redefine democracy from being about the will of the voters to being about the sanctity of democratic institutions,” Benz said. “And who are the democratic institutions? Oh, it’s the military, it’s NATO, it’s the [International Monetary Fund] and the World Bank. It’s the mainstream media, it is the NGOs, and of course these NGOs are largely State Department-funded or [intelligence community] funded.”
Even in his historic interview with Vladimir Putin, Carlson’s curiosity regarding the motivations of the powerful individuals charting the course of history was on full display.
After Putin revealed to Carlson that former President Bill Clinton told him Russia would not be able to join NATO, Carlson asked: “Why do you think that is? Just to get to motive, I know you’re clearly bitter about it. I understand. But why do you think the West rebuffed you then? Why the hostility? Why did the end of the Cold War not fix the relationship? What motivates this from your point of view?”
This attitude of skeptical curiosity arose again in Carlson’s conversation with Chris Cuomo on the death of Alexei Navalny in early March, in which Carlson bluntly conceded that he, like most Americans, is by design completely in the dark when it comes to the internal machinations of international diplomacy.
“Their politics are incomprehensible to me,” he stated. “So, what’s actually happening—and I’ve been in a lot of countries and covered a lot of stuff abroad—and the one thing I’ve learned is that you actually don’t really know what’s going on.”
Ultimately, Tucker Carlson’s commitment to pursuing the truth and lifting the veil from the spiritual forces responsible for our social, cultural, and political discord did not begin with his departure from Fox News last spring.
Just days before he was terminated by Fox, Carlson delivered a riveting speech at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala in Washington, D.C. “What you’re watching is not a political movement,” he said in his remarks. “It’s evil.”
“The second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this… power from somewhere else,” he continued. “Try it. Tell the truth about something. You feel it every day. The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become. That’s completely real. It’s measurable in the way that you feel.”
As most conservatives recognize, Carlson has built his reputation largely off of his fearless truth seeking. Even in the face of relentless smears from the left, the establishment right, and the corporate media, Carlson has remained relentless in his pursuit of the truth, and in doing so has helped to remold the conservative movement into an entity that fights for not only the political and cultural health of our nation, but also its enduring spiritual health.
Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.