Mark Levin’s Liberty Amendments

By Rodney Dodsworth – March 28, 2016

Levin’s book burst on the conservative scene in the summer of 2013.

Rush and Hannity gave it two big thumbs up as it climbed the NYT bestseller list. He offered eleven amendments as a starting point, the place from which a sovereign people may once again reassert free government.

What ails the American republic is beyond the reach of elections in general, and presidential elections in particular. Governmental operations have become cloistered, deliberately concealed, and unaccountable.[1] They confound the citizen and the citizens’ representatives sent to make the law on their behalf.

The solution is to restore the separation of powers. As every high school student used to know, the powers of our national and state governments are divided horizontally between three branches. What few know today, the keystone to the Framers’ constitution was its vertical separation of powers. It was through their senate of the states that the Framers created a federal government in which power was shared with the component members of the republic.

Levin’s amendments would divest the Washington DC Uniparty of its unconstitutionally assumed authority. If enacted, they would super-federalize our government, meaning enhanced participation of the states in lawmaking and supervision of our government:

  • Repeal the 17th Amendment. State legislatures may remove sitting senators by two-thirds vote.
  • Upon three-fifths vote in each house, congress may override a majority opinion of the scotus. Upon three-fifths vote of the state legislatures, the states may override a majority opinion of the scotus.
  • Proposed executive branch regulations would be subject to a joint congressional committee for review and approval. Enactment of the regulation requires committee approval within six months of submission. No enactment without committee approval.
  • Commercial activity subject to regulation by congress does not extend to activity within a state. This amendment would overturn the scotus 1942 Wickard v. Filburn
  • Two-thirds of state legislatures may directly amend the constitution.
  • An amendment empowering the states to check congress. Three-fifths of the state legislatures may override a federal statute or executive branch regulation.

Now more than ever, our nation must return to first principles. Means must conform to ends, and if the free government ends of our Declaration are to be realized, our increasingly consolidated government must be decentralized once again.

Federalism is the key to free government. Those who profit so well from our corrupted institutions will never willingly divest themselves of their powers.

It is up to We The People to reassert free government.

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[1] Levin, M. (2013). The Liberty Amendments. New York: Threshold Editions. Page 205.

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