Texas Representative Arrington’s 4 minute explanation of a way to control Congresses deficit spending and to stop increasing our debt liability. Today every citizen, 1 day old to 100+, owes $100,000 to America’s debt holders on top of your mortgage, credit cards and other personal debt. Default on this debt and the interest payment means you and I will lose everything.
We the People must insist that our states Attorneys General and Legislatures take any and all legal action against Congress, forcing them to stop ignoring us and set the time and place for a convention to propose, debate and submit an amendment proposal for state ratification controlling their spending.
I love HCR 24, and I admire Arrington’s initiative.
However …
We have 630 federal agencies now, and the “Debt Commission” will be yet another. They’ll have a budget, a logo, offices, computers, websites, etc. And their unspoken mission will be like that of virtually all offices — their own perpetuation, survival, and growth. And as near as I can tell, they’ll be totally toothless.
Arrington’s other mission, an Article V convention to propose amendments, has a much brighter future than yet another Big Govt agency. If that convention proposes, and the states ratify, an amendment with teeth, we might actually get somewhere.
Consider an amendment that would add a new, fully Constitutional, We-the-People amendment that contained this provision:
“The several state legislatures, by a 3/5 majority vote, shall have the power to reduce any line item in any appropriations or other spending legislation”
See more at: https://bityl.co/CKhd
Pretty good recording. He could have left out a few sentences like, “Thank you for your support of [OUR] Common Cause”. and “Thank you to my friend in crime”. Neither of these comments helped his point.
I agree, Bart! Good intent on Mr. Arrington’s initiative, and he’s done more than 99% of Congress reps and senators on this issue!
I did however develop a twitch in my right eye when he proposed a solution to big govt is yet another agency. Remember the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (correct name?)? How has that worked out?