Dear Hunt For Liberty reader.
by Mike Kapic – May 2, 2022
As the owner, editor, and publisher of Hunt For Liberty, we want to understand whether or not HFL is delivering content and form that helps you find solutions in this confusing and troubling world. We want to understand your interests and those that are important to you.
What are the important issues of the day that interest you?
Does HFL give you information in a timely fashion, in a concise manner, and in a readable format? Is navigation easy?
Is there enough, too much, or too little in essay length or number of articles per day or week?
What would you like to see done differently?
We also need volunteers with strengths and skills in writing, web design, social media, analytics, & marketing, preferably with a patriotic bent. Please respond to
Feel free to give us your thoughts on these or other topics you deem important in our Comments section or email We will respond.
Thank you