Pelosi’s Announcement and the Character of a Good Leader
John G. Talcott, IFA’s First President | September 9, 2023
God, we pray for righteous leaders. Ensure that our officials honor You, Father, in their speech and their actions.
This past Friday, Nancy Pelosi announced her bid for reelection. As she attempts to regain her spot in the House, we felt it was important to share one of IFA’s most reprinted articles.
The following article appeared in IFA’s very first newsletter. Its author, John G. Talcott Jr., served as the founding president of IFA and president of the Plymouth Rock Foundation headquartered in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
A review of the Christian influence in the development of our constitutional form of government shows that the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was the first written constitution known to history which created a government and from which the government of the United States is of lineal descent. It was inspired by and had its origin in a sermon preached by Rev. Thomas Hooker in Hartford on May 31, 1638. Rev. Hooker took as his sermon text Deuteronomy 1:13. “Take your wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you…captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds—over fifties—over tens, etc.” From this biblical injunction Rev. Hooker reasoned that:
“The choice of public magistrates belongs unto the people by God’s own allowance.
“The privilege of each election which belongs unto the people, therefore, must not be exercised according to their humors, but according to the blessed law of God.
“They who have the power to appoint officers and magistrates, it is their power, also, to set the bounds of the power and place unto which they call them.”
In 1964, Mr. Samuel Willard wrote an article entitled, “The Character of a Good Ruler.” The following excerpts from that article provide inspiration and a guide as we ask God to raise up men and women of Christian character to represent us in our government:
“Now that all these may be just, it is firstly required that they have a principle of moral honesty in them; that they live righteousness and hate iniquity; that they be ‘men of truth’ (Ex. 18:21) for every man will act in his relation, according to the principle that rules in him, so that an unrighteous man will be an unrighteous ruler…as he hath an opportunity.
“He must be one that respects the cause, and not just the persons in all his administrations, ‘Ye shall not respect persons in judgment.” (Deut. 1:17) If his affections over sway his judgment at any time, they will be a crooked bias, that will turn him out of the way [of justice].
“He must be one whom neither flattery nor bribery may be able to remove out of his way. “Thou shalt not wrest judgment, thou shalt not respect persons, neither take a gift.” (Deut. 16:19) He must be one who hates both ambition and covetousness. (Ex. 18:21)
“Finally, he must be one who prefers the public benefit above all private and separate interests whatsoever. Every man in his place owes himself to the good of the whole, and if he doth not so devote himself, he is unjust; and he who either to advance himself, or to be revenged on another; will push on injurious laws, or pervert the true attention of such as are in force, is an unjust man; and he who is under the influence of a narrow spirit, will be ready to do so, as occasion offers.
“Nor is this justice to be looked upon as separate from the fear of God, but as influenced and maintained by it. He therefore that ruleth in the fear of God,’ is one who acknowledgeth God to be his Sovereign and carries in his heart an awful fear of Him; who owns his commission to be from Him and expects [before] long to be called to give an account of his managing it; which maketh him to study in all things to please Him, and to be afraid of doing [anything] that will provoke Him.”
Let us unite our prayers, vote in an informed manner, and believe God to raise up righteous men and women to govern us, for “righteousness exalteth a nation.” (Proverbs 14:34)
Do you have faith for God to raise up righteous men and women to govern us?
IFA Intercessor For America