Watch this father as he explains the experience he had with his son in grade school as his teachers are trying separate the boy from his parents indoctrinate CRT into the class.
This activity by progressive leftist teachers, unions, and school administrators is anti-American and needs all of us, parents and grandparents, to Stand Up, Show Up, and Speak Up at our local schools. We applaud this fathers efforts to be a candidate for the school board post.
The Arizona legislature has outlawed teaching CRT, so the teachers are using ‘work-arounds.’
God Bless those parents fighting back.
Kudos to this brave father!
CRT advocates say these teachings are just about ‘history’. Does this include the history of the Democrat party?
Reminder: Slavery, segregation, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, literacy tests, governors blocking school doors, barking dogs and water cannons … are 100% courtesy of the DEMOCRATS.
As all those old DEMOCRAT institutions faded, starting in the 1960’s, Democrats found a new way to enslave minorities — lifelong dependence on Big Government.
Now minorities are treated as VOTING LIVESTOCK on the Big Govt Democrat Dependency Plantation, especially in inner cities with miserable, corrupt 100% Democrat municipal management, horrible schools, high crime, low expectations, and cultivation of the victim-hood mentality that locks otherwise fine Americans into lifelong misery, fatherless homes, and poverty.
I’m an old guy now, and I’m embarrassed that I was once a Democrat (JFK era). No longer. It took me a while, but I switched in 1980 as the Dems slipped further and further to the left. Now they can’t win without cheating.
Democrat voters: PLEASE read the many fine books by Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, and Robert Woodson.