By Rodney Dodsworth – February 20, 2016
It wasn’t until I read Locke’s Second Treatise that so much of the Declaration came into better focus. Peter Laslett (Locke -Two Treatises of Government, Cambridge University Press) did a masterful job of editing Locke’s work into readable form. I highly recommend it.
The unwritten and universal Law of Nature is something that can be known without being particularly well-defined. Another author I admire is Paul Eidelberg. Regarding Natural Law, he wrote “these laws are but recurring patterns of behaviors, some of which distinguish human behavior from sub-human behavior. Their apprehension is indispensable for a critical as well as constructive approach to the question of how men should live or how societies should be governed.” When was the last time a politician referred to these critical Laws of Nature?
Much of what afflicts our society and governing institutions can be blamed on the Left’s conscious, purposeful rejection of the tenets of our Declaration and the Laws of Nature. For instance, some thirty years ago I didn’t think much at all one way or the other about political correctness, but I should have. Political correctness was the camel’s nose under the tent flap. From being told back then it was sexist for men to compliment a woman on her beauty, political correctness has morphed into the stifling of common sense and observation. Begone Natural Law!
Beginning in 2009, those who dared to criticize the policies of a man who happened to be half-black were deemed racist. Huh? Today, we aren’t to question policies that encourage the hordes storming across our southern border, nor the muslim invasion of Europe and the seeding of bloody islam in American communities. It doesn’t make sense because these are horrid assaults on our God-given reason, which is the Law of Nature. A nation without borders cannot long remain a nation. Can that possibly be the intention of the chief executive?
While America is busy being transformed, the Law of Nature is still in force. As we can see, penalties for its violation are severe. Unless we act soon to restore free government, I fear the penalties will continue and end in our national ruin.
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