Organizer For DC Women’s March, Linda Sarsour Is Pro Sharia Law with Ties To Hamas
Cristina Laila Jan 21st, 2017
Approximately 200,000 people participated in a ‘Women’s March’ in D.C. on Saturday. One of the organizers of the march, Linda Sarsour is a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist.
Linda Sarsour Tweet: “You’ll know when you’re living under Sharia Law if suddenly all your loans & credit cards become interest free. Sound nice, doesn’t it?” 12 May 2015
She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.
Linda Sarsour is very vocal about her support for Palestine and her utter hatred for Israel. She has ties to the terrorist organization, Hamas as the Daily Caller reports:
Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.
Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.
While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.
Linda Sarsour is very active on Twitter. She is pro Sharia law and a couple of her tweets even have a seditious tone to them where she romanticizes Sharia law and hints at it taking over America whereby we would have interest free loans.
Linda Sarsour Tweet: “If you are still paying interest than(sp) Sharia Law hasn’t taken over America.” 12 May 2015
The fact that an Islamic faction was one of the organizers of the Women’s March is laughable at best. Islam is responsible for the worst abuses of women and children not only throughout history, but at present day. Islamic supremacists who wish to impose Sharia law in America have infiltrated various leftist movements in order to appear as an oppressed minority.
Here is bizarre tweet from Maya Shwayder who is a correspondent for the Jerusalem Post in New York…is she really celebrating a Hijab? Wearing an American flag as a Hijab also goes against the U.S. Flag Code.
Maya Shwayder Tweet (regarding a woman using the American flag as a hijab and hugging another woman) “Emotional moment while tying a #hijab at the #womensmarch” 1/21/17
I reached out to Linda Sarsour on Twitter to confront her about the utter abuses of women under Islam. I also brought up the fact that child marriage is abhorrent yet sanctioned under Sharia law. When I asked her if she denounces these abuses, below was her response to me…
[Editor: if women marched to preserve their ‘endangered’ rights, why did a Sharia Law supporter help organize the march? Aren’t women under Sharia Law subjugated to the rule of men? Why would women willingly give up their freedom to become slaves of Muslim men? My daughters wouldn’t have joined this march. Just saying…]