Fmr US Attorney Joe DiGenova says James Comey is a ‘Dirty Cop’


Pulling no punches, former US Attorney for the District of Columbia Joseph DiGenova calls FBI Director James Comey a ‘dirty cop’ for his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

In this audio excerpt, Laura Ingraham interviews DiGenova, who makes his case and answers her questions about Comey’s supposedly squeaky clean reputation. Says DiGenova, Comey simply sold out for some sort of political gain that he’ll likely never receive.

In this process, says DiGenova, Comey has destroyed his own credibility and that of a venerable US law enforcement agency. At a minimum, he says, Congress should pass aResolution of No Confidence in James Comey.

More broadly, DiGenova excoriates John Boehner and Mitch McConnell for their spineless leadership of the current Congress, ceding the field to Obama early on so that they would not be accused of racism.

“They didn’t know how to message, and they didn’t fight back!”, declares DiGenova.

Western Free Press